Your strength as a leader is conditional on your ability to influence others at all levels of your organization.

This intensive, interactive online program is designed to:

  • Help you determine the image that you want to project,
  • Replace hesitancy with confidence, and become more assertive and in-charge.
  • Build on your strengths and eliminate weaknesses,
  • Develop the kind of self-assured attitude that all successful leaders have.
Assertiveness - An Introduction || Skills You Need

What are you investing in ?

Assertiveness and Confident Communication Group coaching program

Duration: 8 weeks

Take charge of your communication with our eight week group coaching programme. You will learn specific techniques to become assertive, express yourself confidently and make a positive impact on every conversation.


Imagine if you...

  • Learn the seven-step system for becoming a more effective communicator
  • Identify negative thinking and how to overcome it
  • Evaluate your effectiveness and implement techniques to better manage your communication

Inventory, ​Assignment, and Feedback

  • Assertiveness inventory
  • Replace unhelpful thoughts for assertiveness
  • Finding your assertiveness balance
  • Challenging negative thoughts
  • Assertiveness formula

Batch 4 is starting soon



Value for your money

  • 8 Live sessions (Value- ₹32000)
  • Inventory, assignment, and  feedback (value – ₹5000)


🎁Book- ‘Business English and Leadership Communication- (Value- ₹599)

🎁Book- Sister Stories- (Value- ₹499)

🎁Follow-up coaching calls (value – ₹5000)

🎁Psychometric assessment (Value- ₹5000)

Total value – ₹48100
Today’s value – ₹12999/

Modules and Bonuses

Module#1: Importance of being assertive

  • Measuring your assertiveness quotient 
  • Consequences of not being assertive
  • Personality test

Module#2: Types of assertiveness

  • Five types of assertion
  • Why and How do we become unassertive
  • How to harness each of types of assertion

Module#3: Developing self-confidence

  • Inner changes to become assertive
  • Self-cancelling thoughts
  • Positive inner script tools- visualization, storytelling, journaling and collage

Module#4: Language and confidence

  • Language that makes and breaks your confidence
  • How you lose power verbally
  • Adjustments to make language work
  • Express opinions with authority
  • Verbally assertive 

Module#5: Creating an assertive body image

  • Decoding non-verbal signals
  • Digital body language
  • Gestures and expressions
  • Power of voice

Module#6: Handling conflicts and confrontations

  • Assertiveness with your friends and family
  • Adopting your message to other’s personality and resistance
  • Respectful listening

Module#7: Assertiveness & Leadership

  • Assertiveness in the workplace
  • Boss and subordinates
  • Assertiveness in everyday life
  • Secrets of successfully assertive leader


Module#8: Transactional analysis and becoming assertive

  • Final steps to take
  • Way forward
  • 1:1 feedback


Bonus #1: Business English and Leadership Communication

Step-by-step guide to exude leadership

I have written this book to help you understand the basics and it has exercises that help you practice the concepts.

Bonus #2: Follow up coaching calls

The program doesn’t end after eight weeks. You will get to book your live coaching calls with me once a fortnight.

Bonus #3: Psychometric assessment

Identify your basic personal style of responding to people, to tasks, to time, and to situations.
Gain self-understanding and self-acceptance, and a greater understanding and acceptance of others.

Sounds amazing, doesn’t it?

Take the first step towards becoming confident in communication - sign up now for our 8-week group coaching program! Unleash the power of assertiveness & confident communication today!
Archana Parmar

By the end of this programme, you will have:

  • At the end of this programme, you will be able to:

    • Replace shyness with confidence
    • Meet new people easily
    • Influence people to your point of view
    • Reduce self-consciousness and fear
    • Deal effectively with difficult situations

Assertiveness and Confident Communication Comes With 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!

The only thing you risk – is your time.  Which is arguably is the most valuable asset in life.

Well, I can’t give you your time back, but I will definitely give you your money back if you don’t get value from this.

All you have to do is email me within 30 days at and I will give you a full refund – no questions asked.

The only thing that will happen is I will rope you in while designing the next program.