Communication and Beyond


Speaking skills, articulation

6 Things you must know about articulation

If there’s is something that amazes me the most, it is the power of being articulate. “How some people achieve dramatically different results than others with what seem to be the exact same ingredients.” –Phil M Jones It is as simple as the art and love for cooking. Same ingredients, same quantities yet the taste differs. It seems craftsmanship is the word of the day for me. Effective communication of your needs, desires, and emotions is a skill that can significantly improve many aspects of your life. Being unable to speak clearly can make it difficult to communicate your ideas. Filler words might divert attention from your main points and force you to rephrase your arguments three or four times. Fortunately, with a little time and work, you can learn to talk clearly. What is articulation? When we refer to someone as being articulate, we mean that they speak clearly and concisely enough for others to comprehend what they are trying to say. That implies that the speaker’s actual words are understandable to the listener as well as that the words accurately convey the speaker’s meaning. Wondering where is the dividing line? Have you ever listened to a professor from college, a lawyer, or even a priest who talked quite clearly? You heard every word they said, but you had no understanding what they were trying to express. Perhaps since there were so many words, their relationship wasn’t immediately clear. Even if someone uses big words, lots of qualifiers, and modifiers, they may not necessarily be well-spoken. A certain degree of articulateness depends on the audience. Before determining whether or not someone is articulate, stop and consider your assumptions. Context is crucial. An articulate speaker can talk clearly to their target audience and is at ease with their own voice. When needed, they can speak more slowly while still using good language and pronunciation. Their speaking abilities enable individuals to vary their enunciation and emphasis according to the subject, environment, and audience, rather of consistently speaking in the same tone. However, did you know that articulation encompasses more than just our speech? Outstanding speakers convey more than just what they say. To be most effective, our body language abilities must be in sync with our spoken communication. Making eye contact and using the appropriate hand gestures can be challenging, but they both help to show how articulate we are. It may take some time to get your verbal and body language in sync. As you establish your objectives, you might begin by determining your strengths and weaknesses. Advantages of being articulate- Here are six advantages of improving your verbal skills. Take note of the fact that these advantages apply to both your personal and professional lives. Being eloquent makes you come across as more knowledgeable and competent. Your ability to speak clearly can increase your comfort in any situation where you must interact with others. Explaining your viewpoints and defending yourself will make you feel more confident. Being able to speak clearly can help people regard you as a leader. If you can speak more clearly and concisely, getting (or providing) feedback won’t be as difficult. In relation to your other friends and co-workers, you’ll stand out, which may be advantageous for employment chances. Speaking clearly is essential for all part of your life. Even though articulation is a skill that is always in demand, it can still be challenging to acquire. Speaking clearly can help you stand out both personally and professionally. The advantages of articulation for your job are countless. For instance, speaking well can improve the presentations you deliver at work. Additionally, it might aid in strengthening your relationships with clients and co-workers. Being a great speaker benefits not only your career but also your personal life. It can improve your relationship with others and your sense of self-worth. Pay close attention to the first time you held eye contact during a discussion or the first time you learned a new term and used it well. Although there will be a learning curve, keep in mind that you are honing a skill that will benefit you for the rest of your life. Are you prepared to work with a coach to guide you on your journey? Write to me at and let’s get started.

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Archana parmar why is impromptu speaking important

7 Impromptu Tips and Tricks to deliver a Great Speech

What is impromptu speaking? Impromptu speaking is giving an unprepared talk. In any  situation  when a person  simply takes the  floor, selects a subject, and begins, the twist to the tale is that the ideas voiced are unrehearsed and unprepared. The typical characteristic of this form of speech is the unprepared delivery and the suddenness with which a person is confronted with a speech situation. Impromptu speaking is often conducted at those times when a person is called upon without warning ―to say a few words mostly at social/professional gatherings. Many people assume that impromptu speaking is easy. In reality impromptu speaking is extremely difficult. There are methods, however, which if used properly, will enable a person to perform acceptably on the spur of the moment. The thought of public speaking intimidates many people. This fear can be reduced to a good extent when there is time to prepare and practice before getting up in front of an audience. How does impromptu speaking work? What happens, though, when there is no time to prepare?  When you are asked to speak without notice? This can make the most confident presenters very nervous. The key to success in these situations is to have strategies you can use to compose your thoughts quickly and communicate the message clearly. Becoming skilled at impromptu speaking can give you the self-confidence you need to give a last-minute presentation, sail through a challenging meeting, or convince others of your ideas. You can build your personal brand when you learn to speak effectively under pressure. It can also equip you with the techniques to conduct a successful question and answer session or make important connections at a networking event. By developing this skill, you can learn to speak with eloquence, humour and confidence, and you’ll ensure that you can communicate your messages clearly. This can be very advantageous as you pursue future leadership roles within the association. Sign up to gain access to Free Webinar Webinar on Assertive Communication, now for FREE Watch the webinar now Loading… Thank you! You have successfully joined our subscriber list. How can you deliver an impromptu speech successfully? The easiest way to prepare for impromptu situations is to anticipate. Anticipating situations where you may be asked to speak unexpectedly. However, it certainly is not practically possible to anticipate every possible situation in your personal as well as professional life, so having a couple strategies to deal with those unexpected situations or to be able to handle those situations effectively is another way you can be ready when an unforeseen opportunity to speak. While preparing for these impromptu conversations, consider the two most common scenarios that people face: a. Being asked to share your thoughts, answer some questions b. Give an update on a project without being told ahead of time. How would you feel if you face either of these situations? How do you deal with these?  What do you do?  What do you say?  How do you say it?  What if you can’t think of anything worthwhile to say? ***** Being asked to share your thoughts. Let me take you through this, for that, start with brainstorming… You may have many ideas, thoughts, expressions, fears, anxiety and opinions running through your mind when you are chosen to speak in front of a group. The first thing you must must and must do is to calm yourself down in order to convey your thoughts in a coherence and cohesion. 1. Take a deep breath or two. That should always be the first thing to do. A common mistake most people make is that they start speaking before they have gathered their thoughts. Give yourself enough time to absorb and observe the question or topic you are supposed to talk about. These deep breaths are strategically put to help you collect yourself and your ideas. It slows you down, relaxes you, and makes you appear more in control of the situation. As a personal brand you don’t want to project yourself as overly anxious/nervous/perplexed. In this short time span, or this window of opportunity, try to interpret what is being asked in the question or request.  Why is this person asking you and what is the intention?  Is this an attack, a legitimate question for more information or a test? 2. Repeat the question yourself before answering or better if you can rephrase the question or change it slightly into what you want to answer. Ask for clarification if you have not understood the question, it will help you be more specific about the answer. At this point you may even for a definition to make sure your understanding of the terminology is the same as the person asking the question. At a time just deal with one aspect/one point of view/ one topic and one supporting piece of information. Under pressure, you run the risk of sharing too much information. Remember: This technique gives you focus and allows you to answer accurately and with conviction. 3. Say it clearly Do remember: the way you say something is almost as important as what you say. • Speak in a confident voice (not just a loud voice!) • Use pauses strategically to emphasise a point • Avoid sounding monotonous • Maintain the eye contact with your audience When you convert your thoughts into coherent speech you are making a conscious effort of making yourself heard. You come across as being confident, persuasive and trustworthy. So by now, you might have had a fairly good idea how to handle situations where you are asked to respond to a question/situation extempore. B. Moving on to the situation where you are being asked to deliver an extempore speech. Naturally you cannot prepare for an unknown topic, but you can prepare a method of attack on surprise offerings from your audience. One system of doing this is to have in mind various orders by which to develop your ideas. For example, you are asked to talk about

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Effective verbal communication

7 Easy Ways to Improve Your Verbal Communication Skills

It’s easy to get people’s attention, what counts is getting their interest.”  — A. Philip Randolph  If you haven’t been snoozing the past couple of years, you have likely also noticed an overabundance of electronic tools that are designed to steal your attention and interest. Social media platforms Facetime, Skype, zoom, Webex, teams whatsapp Video games, YouTube, and satellite or cable TV Email, blogs, vlog, podcasts and what not! All of these above-mentioned tools promise to give you a better choice to communicate effectively. My question to you is-  What percentage of these attention-grabbing distractions also engages your sincere interest and make some meaningful contributions? Effective verbal communication Physical interaction is an inevitable part of life, and you have verbal interactions with hundreds of people every day. However, verbal communication in the office is very different from verbal communication in any other setting simply because you need to uphold a certain standard of decency or professionalism. Therefore, understanding how to enhance verbal communication abilities can be really beneficial.  The word communication means sharing the same ideas. Or, the exchange of information, including facts, ideas, views, sentiments, and attitudes.  The foundation of management is communication. Without good communication, the fundamental tasks of management (planning, planning, staffing, monitoring, and management) cannot be completed successfully.  Transferring information or messages from one person or group to another takes place during two-way communication. This process continues with a minimum of one sender and recipient involved in the message transmission. These messages may take the form of any concepts, fantasies, feelings, or thoughts. It can be in any form, any medium. But nothing beats the impact that you make with verbal communication. There is no denying the significance of verbal communication. We don’t get much practise, though, in a time when it’s much simpler to pick up your phone and send a nameless text than to drive to a coffee shop for a face-to-face conversation. Sign up to gain access to Free Webinar Webinar on Assertive Communication, now for FREE Watch the webinar now Loading… Thank you! You have successfully joined our subscriber list. How can you improve your verbal communication skills in this hybrid world? Let me put forth some of the crucial techniques you may use on a regular basis to help you understand the elements of verbal communication and ensure that you make the most of the situation. These are the 7 methods for enhancing verbal communication: 1. Pay attention without distraction. Put your phone aside when someone is speaking to you. Even if you’re a master multitasker, pay close attention to what they’re saying and maintain an uninterrupted discussion. 2. Structure your thoughts. Speaking without a structure or mindlessly while communicating is perhaps the worst thing you can do, and you may not even be aware that you are doing it. When you are among family or close friends, it is perfectly acceptable to do this, but when you are working, it may be quite costly. Therefore, even though a moment of silence between two professionals can be a little unpleasant, taking a moment to reflect before responding or making a comment can actually help you communicate better. This little pause enables you to take in what is being said, process it appropriately, and formulate a response. 3. Keep it clear and concise. Written and verbal communication are very different from one another in a number of ways. One of the key distinctions that must be noted is that while redundancy is used in written communication, it is not used in vocal communication. This means that you should always attempt to communicate your ideas clearly and concisely anytime you are speaking with someone. Most of the time, you might only have a short amount of time to convey a message to an audience or your boss. Being brief helps because you don’t want to take up their time at that time. The easiest approach to achieve this is to first ask yourself some questions to understand how you can present this message/information in the least possible words. 4. Practice outside of your workplace Spend some time socialising with people outside of the workplace. The greatest method to improve your communication skills is to practise, so find a weekly activity in your community that involves interacting with new people. Instead of concentrating on just one social skill, it will automatically assist you in developing all of them. 5. Maintain Eye Contact for effective verbal communication When speaking to others, keeping eye contact is crucial. Even if you’re not self-conscious or disinterested in the discussion, if you can’t make eye contact with the person you’re speaking to or your eyes are darting all over the place, it can give the impression that you are. So, keep that in mind when conversing with others to look them in the eye. 6. Pauses are okay We’re taught to avoid awkward silences, although pauses for contemplation and thought are a common feature of the flow of discourse. If your conversation partner pauses, give them a moment to collect their thoughts before you speak to break the ice. To respond thoughtfully rather than with the first thought that enters your mind, don’t be scared to take a moment to yourself. 7. Keep Your Tone in Check Whether you are aware of it or not, your tone has a significant impact on verbal communication and how your audience responds to you. Always keep your voice cheerful, light, and warm, and always finish your sentences with a smile. This will emphasize your friendliness. On the other hand, watch out for sounding robotic or uninteresting. This is a simple way to turn off your audience and come out as uninterested in the subject at hand. Refining your communication abilities takes time. Furthermore, there is no ideal, universal approach to doing so. But the saying “practise makes perfect” holds a lot of merit, and improving your vocal communication abilities is no exception. Your tone, when combined with correct pronunciation, communicates the message with

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Archana Parmar

Speaking is controlled breathing. Did you know?

Breathe in- Breathe out Rather I should be saying stomach in- stomach out. That’s how we were designed to breathe by default. The rhythm of breathing creates electrical activity in the human brain that enhances emotional judgments and memory recall, scientists have discovered for the first time. These effects on behavior depend critically on whether you inhale or exhale and whether you breathe through the nose or mouth.—study results (Northwestern University). Why am I talking about respiratory system today? Well, we all have seen, heard, experienced the benefits of deep-breathing ever since this pandemic happened. It might seem a common thing to discuss. But today, I am discussing this with reference to leadership communication. Yes, you read it right. Breathe Well You’ve been breathing since birth; it’s just that a majority of us breathe from lungs, including me, till a few years ago when I came to know of lungs’s functioning. The only thing that stuck with me – lungs- the main respiratory organs, I forgot the diaphragm’s contribution. The diaphragm is a thin skeletal muscle that sits at the base of the chest and separates the abdomen from the chest. It contracts and flattens when you inhale. This creates a vacuum effect that pulls air into the lungs. When you exhale, the diaphragm relaxes and the air is pushed out of lungs. – My involvement with communication studies got me notice the role our posture, voice, and breath plays to make it effective. While working with my clients, I realized most people are completely unaware of what they’re doing with their breathing system, again because, they never cared just as we don’t pay attention to our feet while walking, or our teeth while chewing or even our heart while it is pumping. Breathing is so much more than just an auto programmed feature of our bodies. So if you want to sound inspired and inspiring, read on, and be ready to boost your influence. Speaking is controlled breathing Every time you speak your exhale. Hold your hand next to your mouth and speak- did you feel the warmth of your breath? Now, try to speak something as you inhale from your nostrils- see! Breathing well is the first step of speaking well. It means you need enough air in your lungs to breathe out words and sentences. This means that you need to breathe in adequately before you speak. It also helps you in producing a good and confident voice- we will be talking more on voice quality later. Check your breathing There is a very simple way to check your breathing pattern for yourself. Stand straight, place one hand on your belly and another hand on your chest. Watch yourself in the mirror. Breathe naturally and calmly, and notice which part of your body moves the most. If you breathe well you should find that most of the movement is in your belly. As you breathe in, your belly should expand outwards. Stomach out As you breathe out, your belly should retract. Stomach in That’s how the babies breathe. If you find a great deal of movement in your chest rather than your belly, or if your shoulders rise and fall as you breathe, this means you are not breathing effectively and indirectly it is preventing you from using your voice properly. How to breathe? Lie down on your back, knees bent up. Place one hand on your belly and another hand on your chest. Breathe out all the air from your lungs and close your mouth. Do not breathe in again until your body tells you to. Feel the vaccum. Now, let your body to breathe in for you, it will happen automatically. With this breath, you should start to feel your belly rising up and you may find that the breath you take is somewhat deeper. Breathe it all out again immediately and notice how your belly drops back to its original position. Wait for the next in-breath. Practise technique for about 10 minutes, and observe the sense of release and freedom in your belly as you breathe. You should start to feel calmer and more relaxed. Gradually you will practice this breathing pattern when you are sitting, then standing and then 24*7. Belly-breathing or diaphragmatic breathing gives you a skill, essential for successful and authoritative speaking. Breathe in- Breathe out Stomach in- stomach out Did you get your copy of my book- ‘Business English and Leadership Communication’? Available versions- kindle and paperback.

Speaking is controlled breathing. Did you know? Read More »

Archana Parmar

Did you know avoiding eye contact kills your speech?

Body language is very important when delivering a speech. Have you ever seen our great leaders fidget or make unnecessary movements while addressing the nation? Since you are the center of attention while making the presentation, you should mind every move that you make so as not to bore or distract the people listening to your speech. So you already have a speech prepared, you know the topic well and you are now standing in front of the audience. They are in for a treat because you have prepared a great presentation, yet you also know that they have a very short attention span. How would you keep them interested with what you are saying? The answer is to maintain eye contact. This is one public speaking technique that great speakers use whenaddressing a large group of people. Here are some tips on how you can use this “trick” to keep your audience interested while delivering a speech: Once you have already started speaking and have delivered yourintroduction, take a look at your audience. Do not be nervous if you see one or two people frowning as you are not sure of exactly what they are thinking. Instead of looking out for unfriendly or blank faces, search for the people who are smiling and nodding their heads. Try to focus on this person for a couple of minutes and look him or her in the eye. This way, you would have an immediate “friend” in the audience to whom you can look at and gain confidence from. This will not just increase your confidence but also relax you in the course of your speech. Gaze steadily at your audience, moving from one part of the room toanother. This way, you would immediately grasp their attention. Never read your speech. Just make an outline of the important points that you can expand on. If you have visuals, do not read the bullet points word for word as this might imply that your audience cannot read that themselves. With this, you are instantly creating a “bond” with your audience as aspeaker since you do not have to keep on looking at your notes through the course of your speech. The key to delivering a great speech is to just breathe, relax and make eye to eye contact with your audience. Thus, you are not just making a physical connection with them but you are also ensured that you come out as a sincere speaker who wants to inform and interact with the audience through your speech. I hope these tips will help you communicate more confidently from now. It’s just about consciously avoiding these mistakes. Connect with me on Linkedin for everyday posts on skill development. You can also get on a call with me at a time convenient to you. Just click here and choose your slot.

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Archana Parmar Leadership Communication

Overcome your fear of public speaking

In a survey done by Dr. Laurie Rozakis, author of Idiots Guide to Public Speaking, it was found that many people are scared to speak before a group. It is the number one fear among Americans, “–and the number 6 is fear of death,” according to Dr. Rozakis. Even the most experienced speaker gets anxious when speaking in public. However, this fear can be controlled so that you can put your fear to your advantage. This topic teaches us why people are nervous when speaking in front of a crowd and how you can conquer your fear. FEAR OF THE AUDIENCE People are afraid of rejection by their audience. Thus, many are terrified of speaking in public for fear of being criticized by the crowd for how they look or how they deliver their speech. On the contrary, audiences are very understanding about the speaker’s problem with stage fright. You become more nervous when your fear of the audience increases. Below are some strategies that can help you overcome your fear of the audience. > Choose a topic that you like and you are familiar with. The more comfortable you are about your chosen topic, the more confident you are in facing your audience. > Concentrate on your topic. Focus on your topic and not on yourself. When you start to think of your subject matter and not yourself, your fear of speaking will likely decrease. > Say to yourself: “I am the BOSS.” Trust in your capability of delivering your speech. Showing that you are in charge decreases your fear and increases your confidence in facing the situation. > Don’t think of your audience as a threat. Bridge the gap between your audience and yourself. Analyze carefully to establish rapport. You should consider age, gender and their level of expertise. Remember to analyze your audience. FEAR OF FAILURE There are two ways to win over your fear of failure. > Picture yourself succeeding. If you think that you will stutter in front of many people, chances are you will stutter. But if you visualize yourself delivering your speech well, then, you will. > Face your fear. You cannot overcome your fear unless you show it and admit that you are afraid of it. FEAR THAT YOUR SPEECH IS A BAD SPEECH > Write well. Take time to write your speech. Review it and rewrite if necessary. If you are confident with your speech, the less terrified you will be about speaking in public. > Practice and ask for suggestions on how you can improve your speech. Ask a friend of relative to act as your audience. Once you have delivered your topic, ask for their feedback. Don’t be afraid to hear about what they will say. Their feedback can give you insight on what is good or bad in your speech. The best tool that can help you prepare is your mobile phone. Record your practice sessions and review your own performance. Learning takes time, effort and lots of practice so we shouldn’t let negative emotional responses stop us from achieving our learning goals. Learning and practice give familiarity which leads to confidence. Drop me a message at or connect with me here .

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Archana Parmar Leadership Communication

How To Win your audience with your personal style

An effective public speaker should be able to utilize devices that will be able to capture the attention of the audience. One effective means for them to give you that much needed interest is this: get them to go on stage. Make them participate. When someone is on stage and he or she happens to be a member of the audience, the rest will almost always stay attentive. Why? Because they would like to see what you will be doing to one of them. Also, because they are thinking they could be up there themselves and so to save their precious egos from embarrassment they at least need to know what is going on. No matter how good or excellent you are as a presenter or as a public speaker, nothing beats the excitement of getting someone to be on stage who really should not be there in the first place. What is going through their minds at that moment when you pull an unsuspecting someone from their complacency is that, Oh my god, what if the speaker selects me to go up there next? What am I going to do? Then later, I need to pay attention to this. A little bit later as you go through your presentation, the audience will then most probably think, What point is he/she making? And then as you take your point across, the audience will then get to think, Now I get it. Because you made them pay attention, you have forced them to listen and respond to your statement in the privacy of their minds. However, there are those extremely shy and very sensitive members of the audience who might withdraw from going through the rest of your presentation if they hear you will be calling on them up on the stage. The objective is to gain an audience and not to lose any of them. Make it clear prior to your asking someone to come up on stage with you that you are asking for a volunteer and that no one will be forced if they do not want to. Notice that if the majority of your audience are shy, once you finally get someone to be on stage, all of them will almost always heave a sigh of relief that you would actually feel a breeze pass you by, really. Another way to get the audience to participate as well as pay attention is by giving them due recognition. Try to acknowledge a single member of the audience for a specific achievement or a moment of a good performance, or also acknowledge a group of the audience. To take it further you can get on a call with me at a time convenient to you. Just click here and choose your slot.

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Archana Parmar

6 Steps That Will Make You a Better Communicator

Here are six tips for improving your communication style: 1. Identify your style: Knowing how to improve communication skills will come easier once you become aware of your own communication style. Each person has a unique way of communicating. Listen to your own speech. What sorts of words do you use? Which sort of body language and what tone of voice are you using? Now, think of someone who, in your opinion, is a good communicator. Compare your style to theirs. You’ve just taken an important first step in how to improve communication skills. 2. Observe others around you: Now that you are aware of your own style, study the style of those around you. How do the most important people in your life converse? How do they say things? Look for approaches you can model and make your own. 3. Adjust to the other styles of communication: Don’t think it is too late to change your way of conversing because its been years. You had to learn to communicate in the first place and you can unlearn certain behaviors or change them. Sometimes we get stuck in a communication rut. A father once was having a hard time with his teenaged daughter. She was growing and he thought she didnt tell him what was going on in her life. They were in a heated discussion when he asked, Why didnt you tell me? Her answer was that she had, but he was too busy lecturing her to hear her. He learned that adjusting his style to his daughter would involve listening first before jumping right into solving the problem. 4. Rapport: To build rapport, during a conversation try and match the other persons movements, posture and verbal style. Don’t do everything they do, but mirror one or two things. For example, if the person gives mostly short answers to questions, you follow suit. Or, maybe they talk at a slower pace than you usually do-slow your speaking speed to match theirs. This may sound simplistic but it is a very potent way to make someone feel very relaxed and comfortable in your presence. 5. Be mindful of your surroundings: The way you communicate at home may not be the same as in a different environment. Make sure you change your style to suit the different setting. Some comments you might want to tell your best friend, in private. Other things can be shared in a group setting. Learn how to improve communication skills by altering your style for the appropriate setting. Many of us know someone who offers far too much information in a group setting. 6. Avoid imitation: Don’t criticize others for communicating differently. If we all communicated in the same way, we’d soon be bored with each other. Getting a good grasp of your communication style and finding ways to accommodate other peoples styles, is a good way to improve your communication skills. All of these are steps to be taken every single day. The more you implement, the more you master.

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Archana Parmar Leadership Communication

What is your purpose of learning Business English ?

So you decided to advance your conversational skills in English? Congratulations. Improving your language skills can be a great way to move into a better job or even get the job you’ve been dreaming of for a long time. But, have you asked yourself this very important question? Exactly what profile/industry are you aiming for? This is a question many English language learners never really ask! Why am I asking you this question? You see the language we use changes depending on the situation. The type of industry, the work environment, and many other factors will influence the language used in one field from another. Of course some language and communication purposes stay the same, but a lot is different. This isn’t really too hard to understand, but let’s look at a simple example to simplify what I’m talking about here. Imagine two people who work for different companies in different industries. One works for as a programmer in the IT industry, and another works as a check-in attendant for Ethiad Airways in the airline transportation industry. Both require business English, but quite clearly the language the programmer uses to talk with “client/colleague/partner” will be very different from the language the check-in attendant uses. You won’t hear the programmer asking a client “Do you want an aisle or window seat?” very often. Nor will you find an airline attendant telling his or her supervisor that the latest sub-routine has a bug in it that is causing client’s computers to crash. This just makes simple sense. The work you do, the place you work, and the people you work with will all affect the language that you use on a daily basis. So, when you are studying English for business purposes, you need to remember a very important thing. You need to study the general business English that will be common in most business situations, but you also need to focus on the language that is specific to the business world that you will be working in. A combination of both of these is critical to your success. If you cannot use the language of your industry because you don’t really know it, you will have a very hard time getting (or keeping) a job. Pro tip: when learning Business English make sure it industry specific as well. What’s the Difference Between Business English and General English? Drop me a line at to learn about the ways you can incorporate industry specific content to your Business English lessons.

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Archana Parmar

3 reasons you cannot speak fluent english

Speaking skills cover a wide range, from engaging in simple conversation to formal public speaking. It certainly plays a vital role in communication process. It is the most important type from the types of linguistic activities. Developing speaking skills help in creating an effective connection among the individuals’ network. Yeah! I am getting overtly expressive with the importance of speaking skills. Now some technical part, speaking is a complicated mental process and a productive skill. Producing speech is not a single skill, rather speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving and processing information. Effective Speaking includes two categories; accuracy and fluency. This means that developing speaking skill involves the correct use of vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and having the ability to speak spontaneously. Doing all of this at the same time brings in the ‘unwanted guest’ here: ANXIETY. Speaking is affected by these variables; therefore, foreign language speaking anxiety is one of the most prominent factors that has a negative influence on the oral performance of speakers of other language learning English whether as a second language or a foreign Language. Anxiety is a negative way to present human feelings. When we are anxious we feel nervous, worried and fearful. It is usually associated with unpleasant feeling and is similar to fear. Anxiety in communicating in a second language, especially when that language is English can have an adverse effect and can influence the speakers’ targeted goals. There can be different reasons behind these anxiety attacks: Lack of preparation Feeling of covering too many points in a short period of time Fear of being judged by the audience Now that we know the problem, let’s have a look at the solutions to cure these problems. Identify your fears: you can’t work on improving yourself until you identify the problems. Introspection is the key here. Accept the problems  and share your feelings with others or write them down- read aloud for as long as you are unaffected by how it sounds. Mistakes are the best way to learn so that we are less likely to keep making them. The most important step is to keep practicing. Always remember you are learning to master a second or may be a third language while many native speakers do not even speak a second language. Schedule a free 30 minutes session with me to understand how you can overcome this anxiety. Or write to me at

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