Communication and Beyond


Archana Parmar

Are you sabotaging your professional communication with these mistakes?

Most of us are English-medium pass-outs, yet we mumble-fumble when it comes to express ourselves in English language. Ever thought of it? Most of the non-native speakers have learnt or studied the English language as a subject and not as a life skill, this contributes to the incompetency or the lack of confidence while communicating […]

Are you sabotaging your professional communication with these mistakes? Read More »

Archana Parmar-impromptu speaking

Impromptu Speaking- a skill to learn

What is impromptu speaking? Impromptu speaking is giving an unprepared talk. The typical characteristic of this form of speech is the unprepared delivery and the suddenness with which a person is confronted with a speech situation.  Impromptu speaking is often conducted at those times when a person is called upon without warning ―to say a

Impromptu Speaking- a skill to learn Read More »

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