Communication and Beyond


Archana Parmar Communication Skills

Top 11 Communication Skills for Your Workplace Success

Want to distinguish yourself from the crowd? The top communication abilities that hiring managers and recruiters look for in a resume and cover letter are listed below.  You’ll leave a good first impression if you emphasise these abilities and use them in job interviews.  Once you’re engaged, keep honing these abilities, and you’ll amaze your audiences, because we know that effective communication skills are a catalyst for professional growth.  How to develop communication skills? Well, by reading and implementing these. 1. Listening One of the finest ways to communicate effectively is to be a good listener. Nobody enjoys conversing with someone who simply wants to add her two cents and doesn’t give the other person a chance to speak. It will be challenging to understand what you’re being asked to do if you don’t listen well. Active listening is the practice of preparing to listen, observing what verbal and non-verbal messages are being sent, and then providing appropriate feedback for the sake of showing attentiveness to the message being presented. This form of listening conveys a mutual understanding between speaker and listener. (Wikipedia). 2. Empathy Even if you don’t agree with an employer, coworker, or employee’s viewpoint, it’s still crucial for you to comprehend and appreciate it. Simple expressions like “I get where you are coming from” can be used to show that you have paid attention to the other person and value their viewpoints. Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference, that is, the capacity to place oneself in another’s position. (Wikipedia) 3. Open-mindedness Any communication should be approached with a flexible and open mind by a good communicator. Instead of just getting your point over, try to understand and listen to what the other person is saying. You will be able to engage in more honest, fruitful talks if you are willing to speak with people you disagree with. Being open-minded entails being responsive to a wide range of concepts, claims, and data. Being open-minded is typically regarded as a virtue. It is essential for critical and logical thinking. This does not imply that having an open mind is simple. When we receive new information that contradicts our existing views, being open to new ideas and experiences can occasionally cause discomfort and emotional conflict. Learning and developing personally depend on one’s capacity to modify and revise out-of-date or false views. 4. Choosing the Best Medium Simply knowing which form of communication to employ is itself a crucial communication skill. For instance, it is nearly always preferable to have significant meetings in person about things like layoffs, compensation adjustments, etc. You should also consider the person you want to speak with; if they are extremely busy (like, maybe, your boss), you might choose to send your message via email. People will value your considerate communication style and are more inclined to respond favourably to you. Sign up to gain access to Free Webinar Webinar on Assertive Communication, now for FREE Watch the webinar now Loading… Thank you! You have successfully joined our subscriber list. Apart from these, I would like to bring your attention to the-  7C’s of communication along with communication skills examples. 1. Clear/clarity: simplicity and organisation Purpose- When writing or speaking to someone, be clear about your goal or message. What is your purpose in communicating with this person? If you’re not sure, then your audience won’t be sure either. Implementation-To be clear, try to minimise the number of ideas in each sentence. The message should emphasize on a single goal at a time and shall not cover several ideas in a single sentence. People shouldn’t have to “read between the lines” and make assumptions on their own to understand what you’re trying to say. Clarity is best achieved through short, simple and fluent sentences and paragraphs. Each paragraph should describe only one idea, and paragraphs should be organized from »the big picture« at the beginning to greater detail towards the end. The last sentence in a paragraph should indicate the information in the next paragraph. Clarity is interconnected with the principle of completeness and concreteness. 2. Concise: get to the point Purpose- When you’re concise in your communication; you stick to the point and keep it brief. The speaker should avoid the lengthy sentences and try to convey the subject matter in the least possible words. Implementation- Are there any adjectives or “filler words” that you can delete? You can often eliminate words like “for instance,” “you see,” “definitely,” “kind of,” “literally,” “basically,” “I mean”, “in short”, “as stated before”, “due to the fact that”, “this is the first study”. Are there any unnecessary sentences? Have you repeated the point several times, in different ways? Conciseness means forming your message with the minimum number of words possible without invalidating the other 6 C’s. Conciseness is interconnected with the principles of concreteness and consideration. 3. Concrete: Specifics Instead of Generalizations Purpose: When your message is concrete, then your audience has a clear picture of what you’re telling them. Implementation: There are details (but not too many!) and vivid facts, and there’s laser-like focus. Your message is solid. The message should be clear and particularly such that no room for misinterpretation is left. All the facts and figures should be clearly mentioned in a message so as to substantiate whatever the sender is saying. Example, it is much better to say “In the review of the period from 2010 to 2015, A & B (2016) found that 75 % of publications from the research area of X reported on the phenomenon of Y”, than “The phenomenon of Y has become increasingly recognized in the recent years”. Avoid vague words and words with multiple meanings, such as “in the future”, “several”, “quickly”, etc. Concreteness diminishes the need to guess the meaning and the possibility of misinterpretation. Concreteness is interconnected with the principles of clarity, conciseness and consideration. 4. Correct: Facts & Proofreading Purpose: When your

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Effective verbal communication

7 Easy Ways to Improve Your Verbal Communication Skills

It’s easy to get people’s attention, what counts is getting their interest.”  — A. Philip Randolph  If you haven’t been snoozing the past couple of years, you have likely also noticed an overabundance of electronic tools that are designed to steal your attention and interest. Social media platforms Facetime, Skype, zoom, Webex, teams whatsapp Video games, YouTube, and satellite or cable TV Email, blogs, vlog, podcasts and what not! All of these above-mentioned tools promise to give you a better choice to communicate effectively. My question to you is-  What percentage of these attention-grabbing distractions also engages your sincere interest and make some meaningful contributions? Effective verbal communication Physical interaction is an inevitable part of life, and you have verbal interactions with hundreds of people every day. However, verbal communication in the office is very different from verbal communication in any other setting simply because you need to uphold a certain standard of decency or professionalism. Therefore, understanding how to enhance verbal communication abilities can be really beneficial.  The word communication means sharing the same ideas. Or, the exchange of information, including facts, ideas, views, sentiments, and attitudes.  The foundation of management is communication. Without good communication, the fundamental tasks of management (planning, planning, staffing, monitoring, and management) cannot be completed successfully.  Transferring information or messages from one person or group to another takes place during two-way communication. This process continues with a minimum of one sender and recipient involved in the message transmission. These messages may take the form of any concepts, fantasies, feelings, or thoughts. It can be in any form, any medium. But nothing beats the impact that you make with verbal communication. There is no denying the significance of verbal communication. We don’t get much practise, though, in a time when it’s much simpler to pick up your phone and send a nameless text than to drive to a coffee shop for a face-to-face conversation. Sign up to gain access to Free Webinar Webinar on Assertive Communication, now for FREE Watch the webinar now Loading… Thank you! You have successfully joined our subscriber list. How can you improve your verbal communication skills in this hybrid world? Let me put forth some of the crucial techniques you may use on a regular basis to help you understand the elements of verbal communication and ensure that you make the most of the situation. These are the 7 methods for enhancing verbal communication: 1. Pay attention without distraction. Put your phone aside when someone is speaking to you. Even if you’re a master multitasker, pay close attention to what they’re saying and maintain an uninterrupted discussion. 2. Structure your thoughts. Speaking without a structure or mindlessly while communicating is perhaps the worst thing you can do, and you may not even be aware that you are doing it. When you are among family or close friends, it is perfectly acceptable to do this, but when you are working, it may be quite costly. Therefore, even though a moment of silence between two professionals can be a little unpleasant, taking a moment to reflect before responding or making a comment can actually help you communicate better. This little pause enables you to take in what is being said, process it appropriately, and formulate a response. 3. Keep it clear and concise. Written and verbal communication are very different from one another in a number of ways. One of the key distinctions that must be noted is that while redundancy is used in written communication, it is not used in vocal communication. This means that you should always attempt to communicate your ideas clearly and concisely anytime you are speaking with someone. Most of the time, you might only have a short amount of time to convey a message to an audience or your boss. Being brief helps because you don’t want to take up their time at that time. The easiest approach to achieve this is to first ask yourself some questions to understand how you can present this message/information in the least possible words. 4. Practice outside of your workplace Spend some time socialising with people outside of the workplace. The greatest method to improve your communication skills is to practise, so find a weekly activity in your community that involves interacting with new people. Instead of concentrating on just one social skill, it will automatically assist you in developing all of them. 5. Maintain Eye Contact for effective verbal communication When speaking to others, keeping eye contact is crucial. Even if you’re not self-conscious or disinterested in the discussion, if you can’t make eye contact with the person you’re speaking to or your eyes are darting all over the place, it can give the impression that you are. So, keep that in mind when conversing with others to look them in the eye. 6. Pauses are okay We’re taught to avoid awkward silences, although pauses for contemplation and thought are a common feature of the flow of discourse. If your conversation partner pauses, give them a moment to collect their thoughts before you speak to break the ice. To respond thoughtfully rather than with the first thought that enters your mind, don’t be scared to take a moment to yourself. 7. Keep Your Tone in Check Whether you are aware of it or not, your tone has a significant impact on verbal communication and how your audience responds to you. Always keep your voice cheerful, light, and warm, and always finish your sentences with a smile. This will emphasize your friendliness. On the other hand, watch out for sounding robotic or uninteresting. This is a simple way to turn off your audience and come out as uninterested in the subject at hand. Refining your communication abilities takes time. Furthermore, there is no ideal, universal approach to doing so. But the saying “practise makes perfect” holds a lot of merit, and improving your vocal communication abilities is no exception. Your tone, when combined with correct pronunciation, communicates the message with

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importance of paralinguistic in communication

Everything You need to know about paralinguistic communication

Speaking allows you to accomplish a lot more than just talking. The impact of body language, facial expression, and nonverbal speech characteristics (pitch, speed, tone, accent, pronunciation and articulation are paralinguistic features of nonverbal communication) is much more than most people even realise.  The breakdown of communication, according to studies from the 1960s that have been frequently verified and repeated, is 55 – 38 – 7. 55% of it is, body language (kinesics) 38% of communication is nonverbal yet vocal (paralanguage) 7% of it is language Therefore, only 7% of how you come across to others when you communicate is influenced by what you say. Everything else determines the other 93 percent of the effect you have. The exchange of information without using words is known as nonverbal communication.  Nonverbal communication falls into two main categories:  1- Body language.  2- Paralanguage. Para-what? The term “Paralinguistic Communication.” Isn’t it a big load?  What Paralinguistic Communication really means is: When you talk, what are you saying with your voice rather than your words?  Let’s talk about paralinguistic elements of communication. Paralanguage is an essential part of non-verbal communication and as it is non-verbal, it does not consist of words but without it words do not convey the intentional meaning. Paralanguage refers to all non-verbal communication (anything spoken or done without using words). Para means “like,” hence “paralinguistic” is the systematic study of how a speaker verbalises. Paralanguage is literally “like language.” Paralanguage reveals what people are communicating even when the words are not spoken. Sign up to gain access to Free Webinar Webinar on Assertive Communication, now for FREE Watch the webinar now Loading… Thank you! You have successfully joined our subscriber list. Importance of paralinguistic in communication We’ve all heard people conversing in social settings, public spaces, and workplaces, as well as in rooms close by. Although we may not be able to hear what they are saying clearly, we can infer what they are discussing by the way they speak, including their voice, tone, pitch, and intensity. We may make out what they are talking about, i.e. is there some serious matter, or a joke, enjoyment or fight. This is the power of paralanguage that the voice communicates something beyond language. Body language describes a person’s postures, gestures, and facial expressions. Non-lexical aspects of speech, such as pitch, tone, intonation, volume, pauses, etc., are referred to as paralanguage.  The primary distinction between body language and paralanguage is that one studies the nonverbal aspects of speech while the other studies the motions and poses of the entire body-aka-paralinguistic communication activities. Paralinguistic communication in business- Paralanguage is everything in your voice other than the actual words that you are saying. It can be helpful to know and appreciate how paralanguage affects clarity in order to have more productive conversations at work.  Managers’ organisational influence and communication effectiveness can both rise when they can create higher degrees of logical consistency between the words they speak and the paralanguage that goes along with them. Writing and verbal communication abilities are indeed critical components of professional success, according to a number of studies. The appropriate use of language is linked to employee resistance, misinterpretation, lost employee effort, conflict, and general labour relations.  As leaders gain greater influence and power, the idea becomes even more crucial. They will find it challenging to express their strategic visions effectively if they unintentionally send out conflicting messages that are viewed differently by various groups of society. To illustrate it further, when giving an employee praise, support, or helpful criticism at work, a manager’s tone can say a lot. A pleasant voice conveys respect, admiration, and a desire to assist. Workers love working for a motivated leadership whose words and actions are consistent. On the other hand, when talking with subordinates, managers who raise their voice or use a sarcastic or insulting tone may frighten workers. Make sure your tone of voice supports the message you want to convey while speaking to staff. Body language Body language is a form of nonverbal communication. Body language is the intentional or unconscious use of physical activity such as gestures, body posture, eye movement, and facial expressions to communicate sentiments and intentions. However, it’s also critical to remember that how body language is interpreted varies across nations and cultures. For instance, while making direct eye contact may be regarded as impolite in some cultures, it may also be seen as a sign of sincerity and honesty in others. Paralanguage, to understand the emotions being expressed through nonverbal aspects of speech, such as speech rate, pitch of voice, tone, volume, modulation, inflection, accent, and accentuation, are observed. For instance, speaking with a forceful tone and constant pitch gives the impression of authority. Anger is typically shown by speaking at a high pitch and in an accusing, spiteful manner. The study of paralanguage also includes the study of speech pauses, interruptions, and respiratory features like gasps and sighs. These characteristics also enable us to ascertain a person’s moods and emotions. For instance, gasps could signify shock, disgust, or disbelief. Conflicts There are often contradictions between our paralanguage and actual spoken language because we don’t always say what we mean. For example, a smile on the face may contradict an aggressive tone of voice, or we may express our enthusiasm for something while slouching, being preoccupied with something else, or adopting a defensive body posture. Two general guidelines are applicable when such disputes arise: People always accept the bigger figure; thus, they are more likely to believe your paralanguage than your words because the former accounts for 93% of your effect while the latter only accounts for 7%. People are skewed toward the negative, so if you speak in a positive tone but take an aggressive attitude, people are more likely to be swayed by that. Advantages of Paralanguage  No oral communication is complete without paralanguage as it is closely connected to language itself.  To a large extent, paralanguage indicates the position and situation of

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Assertiveness Archana Parmar

Assertiveness for emerging leaders

If I had to choose one skill for most leaders to work on, it would be assertiveness. Not because assertiveness is such a great quality in and of itself. Rather, because of its ability to accentuate a wide range of other leadership qualities. When people associate assertiveness with being aggressive and demanding, it gets a poor reputation. But that shouldn’t deter you from understanding how to put it to good use. Every leader wants to be more self-assured, but very few know how to assert themselves. Being assertive lies somewhere between being passive and aggressive. You might come across as submissive if you don’t speak up when you have anything to say. And if you’re adamant about your point of view, you might appear unfriendly or, worse, a bully. You can express yourself without being passive or confrontational if you learn to be assertive, and you’ll have a better chance of receiving what you want. For all the emerging leaders, assertive communication is a key talent to master. It enables you to communicate confidently, deal with challenging situations with ease, and engage with others more authentically. I’ve been on a journey to learn how to be more assertive, and it’s has a changed my life significantly on both fronts personal as well as professional. Today, I am sharing the seven powerful habits to become more assertive in your life. Decide what you want Be clear with about the end goal that you wish to attain. Whether is it to be loved or to be respected? Avoid sitting on the fence Sitting on fence will leads to delayed decisions and added confusions. Delaying not only prevents problems from being solved, it can create new ones. Understand the context Consider the context in which you find yourself. How is assertive behavior going to be viewed? Build relationships When we don’t feel comfortable around people, we are often afraid of what others think. Get to know the people you are dealing with over coffee or outside of work. Social barriers may limit your assertiveness. Use “I” statements Saying “You do this” or “You didn’t do that” can sound aggressive. Describing how you feel about the situation states your position on the matter while opening up the dialogue. Maintain confident body language Our body language can have a big impact on how we are perceived. Facial movements, hand gestures, and standing tall and straight or hunched over are examples of nonverbal communication. Adjust your speech It’s useful to record yourself to hear how you sound and listen for too many filler words like “um.” Talking too fast can also be an issue and can cause people to either disengage or be uncomfortable because of your perceived nervousness. Did you check this course on Assertiveness ?

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Archana Parmar Assertive communication

Assertiveness: Skill You Need To Move To The Next Level

As you stack all your technical skills to prepare to chart the career progression, one more thing you need to add to your bag is people skill. You need to be assertive to excel at your career. Assertiveness is a personality trait characterized by being proactive, confident, straightforward, and direct. It’s opposed to passiveness which is characterized by being compliant or yielding. Assertiveness skills are so essential for your professional growth because they’ll enable you to speak up for what you believe in without hesitation. If you’re not assertive in your professional life, you may dare not: 1. Persuade others to accept your ideas, even if they’re better than others’. 2. Try the new ideas to solve the problems instead of repeating what everyone does or what they think is right. 3. Speak up for yourself and stand up for what you believe in. 4. Say No when you need it without feeling guilty about it later on. 5. Communicate honestly with your boss or your peers. 6. Clear out conflicts without destroying the relationship entirely. 7. Overcome competition easily, no matter how tough it is for you. You don’t let somebody’s expectation bring you down to the ground. This is an issue which increases stress levels considerably despite its simplicity in practice. You’ll be able to fight stress if you can learn to be assertive. You may feel the need to hide behind a polite smile, swallow your words and thoughts, and pretend that everything is okay when it’s not. At the end of the day, you’re hurting yourself by not being assertive. The reasons why you’re an assertive person may vary from case to case. Some people grew up in a family where they were expected to be submissive and polite all their lives, while others were brought up in the environments where speaking up your mind was ordinary. However, there are still some symptoms which you can recognize that could help you identify whether or not there’s something wrong with your assertiveness style. Communications are key to this skill set… you need to communicate with your boss, peers, and subordinates effectively so that everyone gets what they want or need. Interpersonal skills are essential for success in any business environment because they ensure the smooth running of organization and existence of trust between staff members. To start to develop your assertive communication skills, visit

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Archana Parmar

How to say ‘No’ when you don’t want to say ‘Yes’

Assertiveness is an excellent leadership characteristic. In order to efficiently manage people and run a firm, business executives must be forthright, straightforward, and able to distribute duties. The capacity to be forceful in your professional life might put you on the fast road to a leadership position. What is Assertive communication? When you boldly convey your demands and opinions in a fair, honest, and calm manner while taking into account the needs and perspectives of others, you are engaging in assertive communication. It is critical for anyone’s career to learn how to be assertive at work. Assertiveness aids in earning the respect of your peers and ensuring that your viewpoint is heard. It’s a vital stress-relieving technique because it helps you to: Take action to protect yourself. Feel free to say “no” without feeling guilty. Make your wants, needs, and opinions known. Practicing self-control is essential. Assess the circumstances and be assertive only when it is appropriate. Why to be assertive? Some people are born with the ability to assert themselves, while others do not. However, if you work on it, you can develop assertiveness. Assertiveness lies somewhere between passive and aggressive. You might come across as submissive if you don’t speak up when you have anything to say. And if you’re adamant about your point of view, you might come out as unfriendly or, worse, a dictator. You can express yourself without being passive or confrontational if you learn to be assertive, and you’ll have a better chance of receiving what you want. When you’re assertive, you balance your wants and needs with the rights and needs of others. How to be Assertive? Use “I” statements. Make it a habit to use phrases like “I believe…” or “I feel…” Never use abrasive words or phrases such as “You never…” or “You always…” Your audience is irritated by these statements, and communication is halted as a result. You can be confident and assertive without alienating or excluding others by using “I” expressions. Learn to say “no.”  People are sometimes hesitant to say “no” to others in order to please them, even if saying “yes” causes them inconvenience. Helping others helps individuals feel good, whether it’s taking on a colleague’s extra work or watching a friend’s pet. However, you must know when your life must take precedence over assisting someone. Simply say no if you already have a lot on your plate and are unable to take on more at this time. It’s a liberating sensation, and you may offer assistance when it’s convenient for you. Tips on assertive communication: Make sure you express your feelings to the other person. Listen respectfully and empathize with the other person. Respectfully receive both positive and negative feedback. Speak at a volume and pace that is appropriate for a typical conversation. Make a firm but not harsh tone. Maintain eye contact with the other person. Use “I” statements to make your points clear, such as “I want.” Exaggerated words like “always” and “never” should be avoided. Instead of saying, “You always give me your work,” say, “This is the third time this week you’ve delegated your work to me.” Instead of saying “You’ve done a bad job again,” say “This report has information about Xyz missing.” Be comfortable in saying ‘no’ to others, that’s how you say ‘yes’ to yourself. I’ve got your back.  Write to me at Order your copy of my book ‘Business English and Leadership Communication’ – kindle or paperback

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Archana Parmar

How to learn business writing? Keep it simple!

Clarity, simplicity, and good approaches are more important in business writing than fancy or long phrases. Tell me what you want me to know or accomplish in a concise manner—and make it appealing to the eye! It is as simple as that. When you utilize Plain English strategies, especially those that focus on the audience: use everyday English whenever feasible, your reader will understand your message clearly. Use simple sentence structures—two lines should plenty. Use headings and lists to draw the reader’s attention and guide them through the text. The source document Use tables—a picture is worth a thousand words. If required, define technical terms. Use the active voice—rather than saying, “It was done by us,” say, “We did it.” Use direct speech—rather than saying, “The organisation shall,” say, “We will.” Use a lot of white space in your document—the document’s body language. Are short and sweet Are upbeat—’when you send us the paperwork, we’ll…’ not ‘we are unable to’ Until you return the form, I’ll be able to assist you. How to check of you are using simple structure? Read something aloud, and then ask yourself this question: “If the person was sitting opposite me, would I say this to them?” If the answer is “No”—then don’t write it! What causes all the confusion in writing efficiently at work? During our formal study, we have been taught specific types of writing which are not the best ways of writing business letters, memos, reports or even emails. Remember, you were always asked to elaborate/explain/describe the topic/picture in 200/300/500/1000 words. Let’s look at the four broad types of writing and each of them requires different skills from us:  Academic: to demonstrate knowledge, skills in analysis and reasoning Evidentiary: to tell the exact story as I experienced it—what I saw, heard, smelled Literary: Shakespeare, Milton, Dan Brown, Bryce Courtney, Tara Moss Workplace: to get things done You learn to use the first three all these years and when you move to corporate world, you are expected to use the fourth one. Resulting, during your appraisals you were told to work on your communication skills. Workplace Writing requires different techniques… You don’t believe me? Read further. The given two images will explain the difference between the academic writing and business writing- So you see, what you do in your academic writing, is no more relevant in your business writing. The workplace writing requires you to reverse the triangle. Therefore, in order to turn your written communication into a fluent, effective and satisfying process. You need to understand how to: Reverse the triangle Brainstorm all the ideas that you want to communicate Structure your thoughts in a logical manner Be clear about what you want your reader to know or do (clear call to action). Write to me at to know more how you can master your business writing. or Schedule your discover call with me.

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Archana Parmar

How to structure your business emails?

What are some ways that compelling emails can help you to be more productive?  Simple: choosing the correct words to communicate will persuade people to respond to your emails. You will obtain the result you’re looking for more accurately and faster, and you’ll save a great deal of time. If you want to improve your business emails and make your business writing more impactful, you’ve come to the right place.  What you write and how you write will have an impact on how people see you & your firm, whether you’re communicating with business clients or coworkers, managers or subordinates. Not only that, but your writing could mean the difference between a stalled project and a completed one. Always ensure that your email has a clear and logical structure, regardless of the topic, purpose, or receiver.  Include all of the following components in your business emails for optimum effectiveness:  introduction + details + action + closing. INTRODUCTION  Begin by addressing the receiver as “Dear Name.”  The most prevalent ones in today’s corporate sector, from more formal to less formal, are “Hello Name” or “Hi Name.” Introduce yourself by email. Begin with a cheerful and friendly tone, including some basic background information, the main reason for your letter (explain them what’s going on right away), and a brief summary of the following steps. Example: Hello Lata Michael has asked me to send you an email to confirm that I will be able to come to  New Delhi in September to conduct a product training course with your IT staff.  I’m available any time throughout the first two weeks of the month. DETAILS Do they require any other information or background? If that’s the case, you’ll want to mention it in this section. Short paragraphs should be used to break up your email (no longer than 4 or 5 lines each).  Bullet points assist in organising your thoughts, also the material will appear clearer to the reader, be more visually appealing, & be easier to scan. Here’s a rough estimate of the costs: • Fee for a trainer: INR 9000 per day (this will probably be a two-day course) • The cost of a flight is roughly INR 4000. • The cost of a night’s stay is approximately INR 3000. ACTION What’s the next logical step?  Tell them exactly what they need to accomplish (agree on meeting schedule, approve the budget, or proofread a document, for example).  Let them know if they don’t need to do anything after receiving your email. Kindly let us know whether you can manage these fees.  I’ll arrange flights and make hotel reservations once I receive your confirmation.  We can save costs if we book weeks in advance. CLOSING Always (always) say thank you if they have to do something.  Before signing, you can say “Have a wonderful day” or “All the best.” Thank you for your support, and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns concerning this training course. Have a wonderful day, Archana Note: You want people to read and act on your emails. Ready? Let’s get the ball rolling!

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Archana Parmar

Speaking is controlled breathing. Did you know?

Breathe in- Breathe out Rather I should be saying stomach in- stomach out. That’s how we were designed to breathe by default. The rhythm of breathing creates electrical activity in the human brain that enhances emotional judgments and memory recall, scientists have discovered for the first time. These effects on behavior depend critically on whether you inhale or exhale and whether you breathe through the nose or mouth.—study results (Northwestern University). Why am I talking about respiratory system today? Well, we all have seen, heard, experienced the benefits of deep-breathing ever since this pandemic happened. It might seem a common thing to discuss. But today, I am discussing this with reference to leadership communication. Yes, you read it right. Breathe Well You’ve been breathing since birth; it’s just that a majority of us breathe from lungs, including me, till a few years ago when I came to know of lungs’s functioning. The only thing that stuck with me – lungs- the main respiratory organs, I forgot the diaphragm’s contribution. The diaphragm is a thin skeletal muscle that sits at the base of the chest and separates the abdomen from the chest. It contracts and flattens when you inhale. This creates a vacuum effect that pulls air into the lungs. When you exhale, the diaphragm relaxes and the air is pushed out of lungs. – My involvement with communication studies got me notice the role our posture, voice, and breath plays to make it effective. While working with my clients, I realized most people are completely unaware of what they’re doing with their breathing system, again because, they never cared just as we don’t pay attention to our feet while walking, or our teeth while chewing or even our heart while it is pumping. Breathing is so much more than just an auto programmed feature of our bodies. So if you want to sound inspired and inspiring, read on, and be ready to boost your influence. Speaking is controlled breathing Every time you speak your exhale. Hold your hand next to your mouth and speak- did you feel the warmth of your breath? Now, try to speak something as you inhale from your nostrils- see! Breathing well is the first step of speaking well. It means you need enough air in your lungs to breathe out words and sentences. This means that you need to breathe in adequately before you speak. It also helps you in producing a good and confident voice- we will be talking more on voice quality later. Check your breathing There is a very simple way to check your breathing pattern for yourself. Stand straight, place one hand on your belly and another hand on your chest. Watch yourself in the mirror. Breathe naturally and calmly, and notice which part of your body moves the most. If you breathe well you should find that most of the movement is in your belly. As you breathe in, your belly should expand outwards. Stomach out As you breathe out, your belly should retract. Stomach in That’s how the babies breathe. If you find a great deal of movement in your chest rather than your belly, or if your shoulders rise and fall as you breathe, this means you are not breathing effectively and indirectly it is preventing you from using your voice properly. How to breathe? Lie down on your back, knees bent up. Place one hand on your belly and another hand on your chest. Breathe out all the air from your lungs and close your mouth. Do not breathe in again until your body tells you to. Feel the vaccum. Now, let your body to breathe in for you, it will happen automatically. With this breath, you should start to feel your belly rising up and you may find that the breath you take is somewhat deeper. Breathe it all out again immediately and notice how your belly drops back to its original position. Wait for the next in-breath. Practise technique for about 10 minutes, and observe the sense of release and freedom in your belly as you breathe. You should start to feel calmer and more relaxed. Gradually you will practice this breathing pattern when you are sitting, then standing and then 24*7. Belly-breathing or diaphragmatic breathing gives you a skill, essential for successful and authoritative speaking. Breathe in- Breathe out Stomach in- stomach out Did you get your copy of my book- ‘Business English and Leadership Communication’? Available versions- kindle and paperback.

Speaking is controlled breathing. Did you know? Read More »

Archana Parmar

3-step formula to become an effective communicator

If you’re like most people who lack confidence to communicate, or the ones who don’t find suitable words to express themselves, then you’re always looking for a better way to conduct yourself. But it seems like a never ending practice. Good news: now you too can gain the confidence to communicate effectively by following a 3- step proven method below.  These steps include: Step 1: Build your vocabulary – you need not learn the whole dictionary by heart, instead focus on topic specific vocabulary. Step 2: Polish your oral communication- identify the fears that stop you from performing well. Deal with them one by one. Step 3: Business Writing- what are the written tasks that you are supposed to perform on a daily basis?  Let’s take a look at each of these steps in a little more detail… Step 1: Build your vocabularyThis first step is pretty simple. What you need to do is identify your routine job and make a list of tasks that you perform on a daily basis. For example, follow-up with your sales team. Now a lot of people tend to end up confused as to how to remember all the word. Usually you can avoid that by switching the most frequently words by their synonyms. For example, use essential instead of important. Once you’ve completed this first step, then move onto the next step… Step 2: Polish your oral communicationFor this step you’ll need to make a list of the activities that requires you to speak- presentations? daily meetings?   .  What you’ll do is structure your talks before hand by adding an introduction, body, supporting statement or example, and conclusion. Let me share with you three tips for making this step go more smoothly… Tip 1: [Introduction]. [Tell them what you are going to tell them] Tip 2: [Deliver]. [Tell them what you have to tell them along with some examples/anecdotes] Tip 3: [Conclusion]. [Tell them what you just told them by summarizing it] Once you’ve completed this step, then move onto the next one…Step 3: Business WritingFor this step, you need to identify different tasks that you are required to write. See if there is any pattern in them? Can these be templatized? One word of warning: people prefer a cut/copy paste approach for these things, remember- customization is the key in making an impact. ConclusionSo there you have it – a quick and easy 3-step process for becoming an effective communicator.  Let’s recap the steps: Step 1: Build your vocabulary – you need not learn the whole dictionary by heart, instead focus on topic specific vocabulary.  Step 2: Polish your oral communication- identify the fears that stop you from performing well. Deal with them one by one.  Step 3: Business Writing- what are the written tasks that you are supposed to perform on a daily basis? ​​Now there’s just one thing left for you to do – take action!  So go ahead and give yourself the permission to be a better communicator. And do it today, because the sooner you get started, the sooner you’ll reach your destination.​ I’ve got your back.  Write to me at Order your copy of my book ‘Business English and Leadership Communication’ – kindle or paperback

3-step formula to become an effective communicator Read More »