Communication and Beyond

Archana Parmar Communicate with precision

How to communicate with clarity and precision?

Communication is one of the most important skills for us to learn. Communication is about expressing your thoughts and ideas, persuading others and convincing them. Communication can be done in many ways: formal speeches by politicians or businesspeople, informal conversations with friends or family members etc., but it’s always good to have some guidelines when communicating with clarity and precision.

What do you think about this topic?

Before you start, take a moment to think about your opinion. Be specific about where you stand and why. If a question has multiple answers, explain how you arrived at your answer. If there is more than one way to interpret the same data point or observation, explore all of them in detail so that your reader can make up their own mind about what’s happening with the topic at hand.

When communicating with others (and especially when speaking on social media), it’s important that we remain open-minded and not afraid to disagree with others if we feel strongly enough about something—or even if we don’t agree at all! Just remember: communication doesn’t always mean agreeing 100% with everyone else around us; rather than try too hard not to offend anyone by voicing unpopular opinions or disagreements, try instead finding common ground where possible by focusing on shared experiences or values instead of differences between individuals who may actually hold opposing views.”

Then, what is your personal experience with that topic?

When you plan your communication, your goal is to communicate with clarity and precision. To do this effectively, you must first know how to tell a story. A good story can be simple or complicated; it doesn’t matter as long as it makes sense and motivates the reader emotionally.

You should also be able to explain your point of view on the topic—the way you feel about it—in terms that are clear and concise yet still convey what needs to be explained in order for people to understand where they stand on a particular issue or problem.

What are the reasons for your views?

  • Give a specific example of the reason. You could start, for example, with: “Based on my experience, I feel, we should focus on building trust between countries and people before trying to solve other issues such as climate change or terrorism.”
  • Specify how the reason applies to the topic at hand. For instance: “I believe that we must work together with other countries because it will help us solve problems like climate change and terrorism better than if we tried just one country at a time.”

How can we change the attitudes of people in a certain field to make them more open-minded and willing to learn from others?

It is important that we be open-minded and willing to learn from others. We should also be willing to change our views, admit our mistakes and admit when we are wrong.

We have a lot of preconceived notions about the world around us, but these can be changed if someone else has different ideas or experiences than us. If you want your ideas accepted in this field then you need to communicate clearly with precision so that people understand what your point was meant for them in the first place!

You can think your thoughts and simply communicate what is on your mind.

You can think your thoughts and simply communicate what is on your mind.

You don’t have to be a professional writer, but you should know how to write clearly and concisely. This will help you communicate clearly with others, who might have a different idea of what’s being said than you do—or worse yet, they may not even understand the context of what was said at all!

So here are some tips for writing better: – Use short sentences and paragraphs.

– Use simple words and avoid jargon.

– Avoid passive voice (e.g., “The report was written by me”).

– Use active voice whenever possible (e.g., “I wrote the report”).


Communication is the most important skill that you can have. It’s not just about talking to others, it’s also about listening to them. You can’t really communicate with others if you don’t know what they want and need.

There is a close connection between language and thought. They are intertwined, much like the two sides of a coin. Your words speak for your thoughts. Using vague language is a sign of having unclear thinking. By defining terminology, utilising appropriate names, and drawing universal comparisons and labels, thoughtful people aim to communicate exactly and properly. They make an effort to avoid generalisations like “everyone does it” and omissions like “this cereal is better.” Is it better than what? Instead, they freely back up their claims with justifications, analogies, quantification, statistics, and proof. It’s interesting to note that the opposite is also true: Your thinking changes when you try to use precise terminology. Your internal thought processes and thought maps become more exact, structured, and laser-focused.