Communication and Beyond

Archana Parmar

How To Give Effective Feedback, Both Positive And Negative?

Performance review. Does the very mention sink your heart? An essential but dreadful ritual, when you are in managerial and leadership positions. 

Positive feedback is more comfortable to convey, but it is unnerving to give a negative review without sounding rude.

I know someone in a managerial position who was very blunt at giving feedback. This created an awful image before his seniors and subordinates. I will share a relevant instance as I uncover more about giving a negative review and how to ace it positively.

Without a tactful approach, it can cause lesser self-esteem in the person and also create a tense workplace situation.

Are you wondering if there is a way out?

Certainly YES! 

When done rightly, feedback can lead to outstanding performance. The fact is that you cannot avoid a negative review when necessary, no matter how much you detest it.

Some Figures And Facts

In a study, researchers found that among 2,700 leaders, most of them avoid giving feedback – mostly corrective feedback. Forty-three percent of them saw this as a stressful and challenging experience.

According to a Globoforce study :

  • 65% of employees want feedback
  • 96 % said regular feedback is welcoming
  • 83% of employees like receiving feedback, either positive or negative.

Therefore you see, you cannot circumvent the process. 

So, how to do it correctly? 

In this blog post, I’ll tell you how to deliver criticism effectively and be fairer at positive ones and how improving your communication skill can be a game-changer.

Giving Feedback Effectively

Before you give feedback:

  1. Do the homework first.
  2. Ask yourself why you are giving feedback.
  3. Empathize how you would like things to happen with yourself.
  4. Formulate your thoughts into words.
  5. Communicate with a flair of positivity.

To-Do Things:

Everything is within your power, and you must know how to control them.

How to give useful feedback? 

Develop a few skills keeping in mind these small rules.

  1. Feedback must be about behavior, not personality 

Here, let me tell you about the project manager I mentioned at the start. In one team meeting, he told a team member that he is pathetic. Sounds so rude, isn’t’ t it? Maybe the work strategy of the employee was inappropriate but calling out one’s characteristic proves otherwise. So, in a leadership position, you have to be mindful about what you say and how.

  1. Be as specific as possible

Instead of beating around the bush, telling in short how a specific behavior at some particular time impacted you could be of help. 

  1. Give timely feedback

Maybe something pleased or offended you, but you share it some six months later; it will not be useful when not told on time.

  1. Embrace PLUSSING in practice

Suppose you have to convey corrective feedback and make it sound like a remedial suggestion; how would you do it? Plussing will be a game-changing idea.

Build your review upon what is right and then make suggestions for improvement.

You can follow the 3:1 technique in which you can build three positive to one negative statement to create a successful business relationship.

  1. Create Safety

In a finding by Kevin Ochsner, a Columbia University neuroscientist; he pointed out that just 30% of the time, people who receive feedback apply it. If the person receiving feedback doesn’t feel comfortable, then the input will not be productive.

So, the onus is on you to create that safe atmosphere, and for that, you have to add civility in your conversation.

  1. Be positive

People respond better to positive things told to them. Instead of saying, “You must be more talkative in meetings,” you can say, “You are a smart person. I want to hear your opinion in every meeting which we take together.” The choice of word matters

Here comes the significance of Business English as this carries corporate etiquette and adds mannerism to what you say.

Remember that strong English is vital to business success.

Importance Of Good  English In Business

English is vital for survival and successful communication in today’s world and is crucial in leadership communication.

Accept the facts:

  • English is the language of communication and business across the globe.
  • English is the language of the internet.
  • English is the language of the mass.

And good English is the key to become a good leader in the business landscape.

Winding Up

Effective leadership communication is a driving force behind every company’s success. Leaders are responsible for building trust within. In our next blog, we shall dive more into this. 

Being able to create a rapport through professional communication is extremely useful for both personal and professional growth.

In my one-on-one training sessions, I help you recognize your potentials and overcome the areas that need improvement.

To know more, schedule your free 30 minutes discovery call with me.

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